Energy law of similitude for laser propulsion refers to the law that there is an optimum nozzle configuration for the largest value of impulse coupling coefficient at certain incident laser energy. 激光推进的能量相似律,指确定的激光能量有与之相对应的最佳喷管尺寸,使得冲量耦合系数最大且不变的规律。
The Measurement of the Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient of the Giant Magnetostrictive Material 阻抗电容耦合放大器超磁致伸缩材料机电耦合系数的测量
Thermal coupling coefficient of metal material to CW IR laser 金属材料对连续波红外激光的热耦合系数
Magnetostatic-field solution for Tesla transformer's coupling coefficient Tesla变压器耦合系数的静磁场解法
Numerical Analysis of Coupling Coefficient Between Phase Locking Units of a High-Power Laser Diode Array with an External Cavity 高功率半导体激光器列阵锁相单元间耦合系数的数值分析
The influences of cavity-cavity coupling coefficient on the entanglement is also investigated. 研究了腔场间的耦合强度变化对纠缠特性的影响。
Effects of single pulse energy on impulse coupling coefficient in air-breathing laser propulsion 单脉冲能量对吸气式激光推进冲量耦合系数的影响
Under the external acceleration, the coupling coefficient is a function of gap spacing between the two waveguides. 在外界加速度作用下,直波导和环形波导的耦合系数是两波导间距的函数。
Variational Analysis of Soliton Switching in Two-core Fiber Couplers with Second Order Coupling Coefficient Dispersion 二阶色散耦合系数光纤耦合器开关变分分析
Measuring method of multiple-pulse impulse coupling coefficient based on compound pendulum model 基于复摆模型的多脉冲冲量耦合系数测量方法
Effects of Inlet States on Impulse Coupling Coefficient for Air-breathing Laser Propulsion inspiratory port of circle absorption system 来流情况下入口状态对吸气式激光推力器冲量耦合系数的影响环流吸收系统的吸入口
Method for Extracting Input-output Coupling Coefficient of Cross-coupled Microwave Filter 交叉耦合微波滤波器输入/输出耦合系数抽取方法
A Method on Determining Coupling Coefficient k_u in Pavement Double-layer Concrete Slabs 路面双层混凝土板层间结合系数ku的一种确定方法
Thermal coupling coefficient plays an important role in laser interaction with matter. 热耦合系数在激光与物质相互作用中扮演着重要的角色。
Experiment for combination of lasers radiate CdS and measurement for coupling coefficient 组合激光辐照CdS实验与耦合系数测量
The design of a new quadrature VCO ( Voltage Controlled Oscillator) is obtained through a cross-coupled double LC oscillator, using the coupling coefficient to control oscillation frequency. 通过对两个相同的LC振荡器进行交差耦合,用耦合系数来控制输出频率,设计了一种新型精准正交正弦波压控振荡器。
Measurements of Impulse Coupling Coefficient of Micro-laser Ablate Propulsion Numerical simulation on particles-caused erosion reducing method in throttleer 激光微烧蚀靶材的冲量耦合系数测量方法减弱节流器中颗粒冲蚀破坏措施的数值模拟
This paper presents a novel method of using the MoM to calculate quickly the inter-cavity coupling coefficient of microwave filters. 文中详细介绍了应用矩量法来快速求解微波滤波器腔间耦合系数的新方法。
Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Capacitance Coupling Coefficient of the Star quad in Symmetrical Communications Cables 对称通信电缆星绞四线组电容耦合系数影响因素分析
Eigenmode characteristics as well as mode coupling coefficient between two cavities are studied by MAFIA and HFSS simulations, which prove the function of the new structure. 利用MAFIA和HFSS软件对本征模进行仿真,并分析了模式耦合特性,仿真结果验证了新结构的可行性。
The coupling coefficient perturbation method and the simulation stepsize perturbation method are established. 建立了耦合系数扰动方法和仿真步长扰动方法。
The relations between physical parameters and coupling coefficient of coupling double-resonator were analyzed. 分析了耦合双谐振器的耦合系数与相关物理参量之间的关系;
Influences of plasma shielding and rarefaction wave on impulse coupling coefficient 等离子体屏蔽和稀疏波对冲量耦合系数的影响
The polarization coupling term and birefringence coupling term are included in the coupling coefficient expression. 耦合系数包括偏振耦合项和双折射耦合项。
It is found that the product of the coupling coefficient η 1 and η 2 affects the gain curve. 发现两个耦合系数η1与η2之积的大小对增益曲线产生具体影响。
The coupling wave equations and currently expression of coupling coefficient is educed. 通过耦合波传输线方程组导出耦合波方程组及相应耦合系数的一般表达式。
The relation between coupling coefficient and geometrical parameters of the coupling system is analysed in detail. 分析了它与耦合系统结构参数之间的关系。
The reasons why the parameters of nozzle structure affect the impulse coupling coefficient were explained. 通过对推力曲线的分析,阐述了喷管结构参数对其性能影响的原因。
And the influence that secondary quality factor and the coupling coefficient impact on voltage gain, the current gain and transmission power gain is analyzed. 4. 并分析了次级品质因数和耦合系数对电压增益、电流增益和传输功率的影响。
Under the condition of ignore the secondary factors, the equivalent magnetic circuit of large air gap U magnetic core is given in this paper. And achieve the relationship among coupling coefficient, magnetic flux and magnetic resistance. 在忽略次要因素的前提下,给出了大气隙U型磁芯等效磁路,并通过分析得到了耦合系数与磁通和磁阻间的关系。